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The Choir “Saint Mucenia Chiriachi” was established in 2019 and is composed of students from the Faculty of Theology in Iași, the “George Enescu” Conservatory, clergy, and students from the Orthodox Theological Seminary “Saint John Chrysostom” in Huși.

In the 6 years since its founding, the choir has actively responded with joy to invitations for feasts and archiepiscopal services within the Huși Diocese and beyond, both nationally and internationally. Part of the choir performs weekly at the Episcopal Cathedral “Saint Apostles Peter and Paul” in Huși. Driven by the desire to support and sustain Byzantine music, the Choir “Saint Mucenia Chiriachi” of the Episcopal Cathedral in Huși contributes to the cultural life of Vaslui County by organizing concerts with various themes and by providing cantors to parishes and monasteries within the Diocese as needed.

In 2022, the choir won the second prize at the Byzantine music competition organized by the “Iași Byzantine Music Festival.” It also participated in the second edition of the event “Days of Romanian Psaltic Singers” organized by the Byzantion Cultural Association. Additionally, the choir received the second prize at the “Hajnowka” Competition Festival held in Bialystok, Poland. International experience was gained through liturgical and cultural activities in Italy, Austria, and Moldova. In 2023, the choir celebrated five years of activity by organizing the National Symposium “The Psaltic Treasure in the Huși Diocese,” during which the musical album “The Psaltic Treasure in the Huși Diocese” was launched. This album includes chants by Huși composers from the 19th and 20th centuries, most of which are found in manuscripts.

Annual activities of the choir include the Psaltic Music Camp at the Bujoreni Monastery (now in its third edition), which gathers renowned psaltes to teach Byzantine music to students from the Orthodox Theological Seminary “Saint John Chrysostom” in Huși, choir members, and children eager to learn church music. Another ongoing activity consists of rehearsals, services, and concerts by the Junior Psaltic Group “Saint Mucenia Chiriachi.”

Currently, twenty-five members are part of the Choir “Saint Mucenia Chiriachi” of the Episcopal Cathedral in Huși. They are conducted by Archdeacon Cosmin-Vlăduț Mironescu.

We warmly invite you to attend the All-Night Vigil!

27 Sept, 20:00 hr
St. Nicholas Church in Scheii Brașovului
The "Byzantion" Choir and the "St. M. Mc. Chiriachi" Choir – Paisian Vigil

Paisian Vigil, inspired by the teachings of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, emerges as a fascinating synthesis between Byzantine heritage and the Hesychast movement, proposing an intensified contemplative approach to the nocturnal experience. Its emergence coincides with a period of spiritual revival within the Orthodox space, marked by a renewed interest in patristic writings and contemplative prayer practice. This practice, developed during the 18th-century spiritual renaissance, has led to the creation of a form of vigil characterized by its extended duration (10-12 hours), with an emphasis on reading and meditation, entirely dedicated to communion with the divine.

In the complex landscape of contemporary Orthodox spirituality, the Paisian vigil thus creates an expanded temporal space, situated at the intersection of tradition and modernity. This practice, with deep roots in the heritage of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, continues to exert a significant influence on both monastic and lay life, prompting a reevaluation of the role of contemplative practices in today’s society.

The vigil is made possible also through the participation of two of the most valuable contemporary Byzantine choirs: The Academic Choir “Byzantion” (Iași, Conductor: Adrian Sîrbu) and The “St. M.M. Chiriacchi” Choir (Huşi, Conductor: Archimandrite Vladuț Mironescu).


Author kyrios

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